Russia’s invasion and Western double standards.

by Gaetano Greco


Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is simply devasting and will result in the loss of thousands of Ukrainian and Russian lives.

The attack will fuel the ever-increasing instability besieging Europe primarily as a result of NATO’s expansionist policies since the fall of the Soviet Union – aimed at threatening Russian national security.

The actual consequences of this war mark a massive and serious pivot in European and world affairs.
Ironically, it’s amazing to witness the deluge of Western media coverage and condemnation. Media outlets in liberal democracies have been relentless in their reporting, showing bloody images of victims of war and skewed analysis and commentary to favour the civility of western countries against Russian aggression.

Instead, when US-UK attacked Iraq and Libya, the six o’clock news stories then carried pictures of high-tech cruise missiles blazing out of navy ships towards enemy targets supposedly striking with surgical precision. As if it were a bloodless ‘Shock and Awe’ video game. Why weren’t the pictures and stories of the blood and suffering of hundreds and thousands of innocent civilians not shown.

In fact, some analysts report that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has gotten much more gruesome coverage and condemnation in just 24 hours than the US-Saudi war on Yemen has gotten since it started nearly 7 years ago.

As Noam Chomsky has frequently pointed out, it is easy to condemn the crimes of our enemies. But it is a basic ethical principle that, first and foremost, we should hold to account those governments for which we share direct political and moral responsibility.

So, while we condemn Russia, we equally must denounce the US and NATO’s hegemonic aggression.


(Da Nuovo Paese / New Country – Marzo 2022)

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