FILEF Australia: “Candidiamo le Brigate Mediche Cubane al Nobel per la Pace”

Durante l’ultima riunione della FILEF di Sydney si è votato all’unanimità per candidare le Brigate Mediche Cubane Henry Reeve al Nobel per la Pace.

In questi giorni il gruppo di medici sta rientrando a Cuba dopo aver prestato servizio a Crema, una delle città lombarde attaccate dal virus. La FILEF si associa all’appello dell’associazione dell’amicizia Cuba-Francia
che verrà presentato da un parlamentare francese.

Anche la FILEF nazionale invita tutti ad aderire all’iniziativa attraverso il sito:


Call for the Granting of the Nobel Peace Prize to the Cuban Henry Reeve Medical brigades

We, friends of Cuba worldwide, request that the Nobel Peace Prize be granted to the Cuban Henry Reeve medical brigades.    

Whilst the world faces a pandemic that threatens millions of lives, Cuba solidarity  sends its army of white robes to over 22 countries all around the globe to help face the Covid 19 pandemic.  Over 1000 doctors and health staff from Cuba have left the island to fight the terrible coronavirus in many countries of the world in cooperation with local medical teams.

We are pleased to learn that parliament member Francois-Michel LAMBERT, President of Cuba France friendship group at the French National Assembly has accepted to present the request for the Nobel Peace Prize for the Cuban Henry Reeve Medical Brigades to the Nobel Peace Prize Committee in Norway.

We invite everyone who agrees with this call to sign it and join us in this platform. To see the full call and follow the initiative, join us on the Facebook group :Prix Nobel de la paix pour les brigades médicales cubaines Henry Reeve


This request is headed by the Solidarity Organizations Cuba Linda and France Cuba  on april 28th, 2020

Se joignent à cet appel, se juntan al llamamiento, They join the call :  

Cuba Linda ; France Cuba ; Groupe d’amitié France Cuba à l’Assemblée Nationale ; Cuba Coopération-France ; Cuba-Si France ; Comité Internacional Paz, Justicia y Dignidad para los Pueblos ; Ardennes-Cuba ; Montpellier Cuba Solidarité ; Cuba Support Group, Irlande ; UD CGT 13 ; Salim Lamrani, journaliste ; Asociación valenciana de amistad con Cuba Jose Marti, España, Viktor Dedaj, journaliste, Le Grand soir ;  Les Amis de Cuba Charente Maritime ; Comité toulousain France Cuba ; Euskadi Cuba ; Associazione Umbra di Solidarietà Internazionalista con Cuba, Italia ; Maïté Pinero, journaliste ; CubainformacionTV ; José Manzaneda  journaliste ; Danielle Bleitrach, sociologue ; Cercle Bolivarien de Paris ; Cellule du Parti des travailleurs brésiliens de Paris ; Comunistes de Catalunya 

Pour voir les autres signataires de l’appel ; Para ver a los otros signatarios del llamamiento ; To see the other signatories of the call :

Views: 394


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