6424 18 giovani obiettori di coscienza in carcere in Israele. Si rifiutano di partecipare al massacro

20090114 10:45:00 redazione-IT

[b]Sosteniamo gli obiettori di coscienza in Israele. Partecipiamo all’appello.
LINK: [url]http://december18th.org/[/url]

FREE THE SHMINISTIM – ISRAEL’S YOUNG CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS.[/b] The Shministim are Israeli high school students who have been imprisoned for refusing to serve in an army that occupies the Palestinian Territories. December 18 marks the launch date of a global campaign to release them from jail. Join over 20,000 people including American conscientious objectors,Ronnie Gilbert, Adrienne Rich, Robert Meeropol, Adam Hochschild, Rabbi Lynn Gottleib, Howard Zinn, Rela Mazali, Debra Chasnoff, Ed Asner and Aurora Levins-Morales and show your support by contacting the Israeli Minister of Defense using the form below. 40,000 LETTERS AND COUNTING!

FREE THE SHMINISTIM – ISRAEL’S YOUNG CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS. The Shministim are Israeli high school students who have been imprisoned for refusing to serve in an army that occupies the Palestinian Territories. December 18 marks the launch date of a global campaign to release them from jail. Join over 20,000 people including American conscientious objectors,Ronnie Gilbert, Adrienne Rich, Robert Meeropol, Adam Hochschild, Rabbi Lynn Gottleib, Howard Zinn, Rela Mazali, Debra Chasnoff, Ed Asner and Aurora Levins-Morales and show your support by contacting the Israeli Minister of Defense using the form below. 40,000 LETTERS AND COUNTING!

[b]Sosteniamo gli obiettori di coscienza in Israele. Partecipiamo all’appello.
LINK: [url]http://december18th.org/[/url]



EmiNews 2009

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