6447 Intellettuali ebrei a livello internazionale invitano alla diserzione

20090116 12:58:00 redazione-IT

[b]Lettera aperta ai soldati israeliani

Vi preghiamo di firmare la seguente dichiarazione, che ci auguriamo di essere presto in grado di pubblicare sui giornali israeliani. Donazioni per aiutare a pagarne la pubblicazione possono essere inviate tramite PayPal cliccando qui: [url]http://www.ajjp.org/campaigns/signStatement.php?cid=15[/url]

Incoraggiamo le organizzazioni a firmare inviandoci e-mail.

Gli Ebrei invitano i soldati israeliani a fermare i crimini di guerra.

Noi ebrei della comunità internazionale invitiamo i soldati israeliani a issare la Bandiera Nera dell’illegalità sulle operazioni contro la popolazione di Gaza.
Ci rifiutiamo di rimanere in silenzio mentre i leader israeliani costringono i soldati israeliani a commettere crimini di guerra: crimini contro l’umanità per i quali saranno un giorno chiamati a rispondere. I soldati israeliani di coscienza possono e devono fermare questa guerra pericolosa, illegale e immorale.

Questa attività criminale non migliora la condizione e il benessere degli ebrei. Piuttosto, da Sderot a Sidney, da Ashkelon a Amsterdam, staremo tutti meglio quando ci sarà giustizia per i palestinesi.
Pertanto, vi chiediamo di utilizzare tutte le misure possibili per fermare queste atrocità contro il popolo palestinese. Non si deve semplicemente disobbedire a ordini palesemente illegali, ma bisogna opporsi ad essi attivamente ed efficacemente.

Noi membri della comunità ebraica internazionale, ci appelliamo a voi, soldati israeliani di coscienza, per bloccare la macchina bellica israeliana; solo voi potete e dovete farlo. [/b]

Open Letter to Israeli Soldiers


If you are Jewish, please sign the following statement, which we hope to be able to publish soon in Israeli newspapers. Donations to help pay for publication can be sent via PayPal by clicking here.

We encourage organizations to sign by sending us email.

Jews call on Israeli soldiers to stop war crimes

We Jews in the international community call upon Israeli soldiers to raise the Black Flag of Illegality over the operations against the people of Gaza.

We refuse to remain silent while Israeli leaders force Israeli soldiers to commit war crimes: crimes against humanity for which they will one day be called to account. Israeli soldiers of conscience can, and must, stop this dangerous, illegal, and immoral war.

This criminal activity does nothing to advance the health and welfare of Jews. Rather, from Sderot to Sydney, from Ashkelon to Amsterdam, we will all benefit when there is justice for Palestinians.

Therefore, we call on you to use all measures possible to stop these atrocities against the Palestinian people. Flagrantly illegal orders must not simply be disobeyed, but actively and effectively opposed.

We members of the international Jewish community call on you, the Israeli soldiers of conscience, to halt the Israeli war machine, which only you can, and must, do.

Signed, (Add your name)


Organizational Sponsor Country

American Jews for a Just Peace United States
European Jews for a Just Peace Europe
ICAHD-USA United States
Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions Israel
Italian Network of Jews against the Occupation (Rete-ECO) Italy
Jewish Voice for Peace United States
Jewish Voice for Peace-Chicago United States
Jewish Women for Justice in Israel/Palestine (Boston, MA) United States
Jews Against the Occupation (Central NJ) United States
Jews Against the Occupation – NYC United States
Jews for Israeli-Palestinian Peace (JIPF) Sweden
Jews for Justice for Palestine Britain
Los Angeles Jews For Peace United States
New Profile Movement for the Civil-ization of Israeli Society Israel
Not In My Name – SA South Africa
People of Faith CT United States
Portland Peaceful Response Coalition United States
Tikkun Community Chicago United States
Tucson Women in Black United States
Visions of Peace with Justice in Israel/Palestine United States
Women in Black Union Square NYC United States
Yesh Gvul Israel


Name Country Organization*
Elizabeth Aaronsohn United States We Refuse to Be Enemies
David Abramowitz Canada
Paul Abrams South Africa Not in my name
Paula Abrams-Hourani Austria Jewish Voice for a Just Peace (Austria)
Anya Achtenberg United States writer
Lisa Adler United States community organizer
Muriel Akerib-Dovaz Switzerland teacher
Alessandro Albore Italy Astrophisic
Miriam Almeleh United States WILPF & Peace Action
Galit Altshuler Germany
Yali Amit United States Professor, University of Chicago
Mehmet Andiç Turkey Student
Judy Andler United States
Betsy L. Angert United States
Gil Anidjar United States Associate Professor, Columbia University
Candace Anthony United States
Robert Apter United States
Aviva Arad United States
Laurie Arbeiter United States The Critical Voice Artist/Activist
Stefanie Archer United States
Henry Ascher Sweden Jews for Israeli-Palestinian Peace (JIPF)
Maryrose Asher United States Human rights and peace activist/writer
Chris Ashour Canada
Yehuda Atai Israel Publisher
Lorri Auer United States editor
David Auerbach United States Professor,NCSU
Shira Avni Canada Teacher/filmmaker
Janet B. United States Healer
Saverio Bacci Italy impiegato
Keld Bach Denmark
Rebecca Bain Canada Musician, teacher
Lech Bajan United States RAQport.com
Catherine Ballestero France Mrap (Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l’amitié entre les peuples)
Corey Balsam Canada Not In Our Name: Jewish Voices Opposing Zionism
Joel Balsam Canada Independent Jewish Voices
Leah Barcan United States teacher
Barbara Barefield United States Jewish Voice for Peace-Detroit
Michal Bareket Israel
Tsela Barr United States Madison-Rafah Sister City Project
Sheila Barsel South Africa not in my name, Cape Town
Duncan Baruch United States Jews for Global Justice
Amnon Barzvi United States
Yael Bat-Shimon United States musician
Eliza Bates United States Student
Keren Batiyov United States
Elliott Battzedek United States human
David Baum United States
Bonnie Bayuk United States
Alex Becker United States
Linda Hunt Beckman United States Professor and writer
Jessi Bee United States JVP Seattle
Miriam Beinin United States Jewish Voice for Peace
Noah Belikoff United States
Coralyn Bell France
Levy Ismail Benchetrit Morocco student
Andrea Benites-Dumont Spain Periodista
Nina Bergman Sweden Jews for Israeli-Palestinian Peace
Harriet Berlin United States
Anna Berlinrut United States Military Families Against Endless War
Shelley Berlowitz Switzerland Jewish Voice for a Just Peace, Switzerland
Marcia Bernstein United States Palestine Action Union Square
Sarah Bernstein United States
Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore United States writer, editor and activist
Robert Bersson United States Educator
Grace Bertalot United States
Rica Bird United Kingdom jfjfp
Hervé Bismuth France researcher-teacher
Olivier Bloch France Professeur Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
Sophie Bloch United States Americans United For Palestinian Human Rights
Susan Bloch United States acupuncturist
Carol Bloom United States
Meg Bloom United States
Elizabeth Blum United States Occupational therapist
Sarah Blum United States Volunteer Coordinator, COVER Home Repair
Rachel Blumberg United States Musician/Artist
Bonnie Blustein United States
Ethan Blustein United States Independent Jewish Voice
David Boehnke Canada
Nina Bogin France writer
Guy Bollag Switzerland Jewish Voice for a Just Peace, Switzerland
Audrey Bomse United States National Lawyers Guild
Bradley Bordiss South Africa Not In My Name, South Africa
Carrie Borowski United States Attorney
Lila Braine United States women in black
Mark Braverman United States American Jews for a Just Peace
Stefanie Brendler United States Musician, Jewish Voice for Peace-Seattle
Haim Bresheeth United Kingdom BRICUP
Gabrielle Broder United States
Brian Brotman United States Philadelphia Jews for a Just Peace
Jan Brotman United States Southern Oregon University
Allison Brown United States
Lynn Brown United States
Susan Bruce United States
Miriam Budnick United States
CA Burke United States
Jorge Buzaglo Sweden Jews for Peace
Alex Cacioppo United States
Alex Cafarelli United States
Michael Calderon-Zaks United States
Jane Califf United States Retired professor
Giorgio Canarutto Italy Italian Network of Jews against the Occupation
Paola Canarutto Italy Italian Network of Jews against the Occupation
Ellen Cantarow United States writer, musician
Michele Cantoni Italy
Alessandro Capece Canada Pensionato
Anthony Carusi Australia N/A
Karina Castan Australia
Lora Chamberlain United States
Messaoud Chanane Algeria Professor University of Algiers
Gérard Chaouat France directeur recherches CNRS
Ian Chinich United States Jews Against the Occupation
Noam Chomsky United States Professor, MIT
Rachel Choukroun France
Massimiliano Cilli Italy
Aviva Cipilinski Canada queer feminist activist, doula
Mialhe Claire France French Jewish Union for Just Peace
Laura Clark United States Musician, Sandpoint, Idaho. Lifetime peace activist
Ruth Clark United Kingdom JBig
Ana Cleja Israel
Elayne Clift United States journalist; adjunct professor
Rachel Clift United States filmmaker for peace and justice
Emma Clyne United Kingdom
Ilan Cohen Sweden JIPF
Kfir Cohen United States UC Berkeley
Mitchel Cohen United States Brooklyn Greens / Green Party of New York
Sylvia Cohen United Kingdom JFJFP
Richard Colbath-Hess United States AJJP
Arrigo Colombo Italy University of Lecce
David Copeland United States
Howard Cort United States JVP, Arab Jewish Partnership (AJP)
Lucy Costa Canada BUSINESS OWNER
Eden Coughlin United States
Stephanie Cruse United States
Elyse Crystall United States ICAHD-USA; UNC-CH
Katharine Cukier Canada teacher
Clayton Cunha Filho Brazil Observatório Político Sul-Americano
Mike Cushman United Kingdom Jews for Justice for Palestinians
Moritz Düll Germany ARAB
Carlos Eduardo da Silva Brazil
Nina Dabek United States
Angela Dale United Kingdom Jews Against Zionism
Ellen David Friedman United States Union organizer
Julie Davids United States
Ellen Davidson United States New York City Independent Media Center
Cesar Augusto De La Serna Salazar Mexico Zeitgeist-2012 – Noosfera-2010
Nilva De Souza Brazil
Guy DeFeis United States
Delzi Demarchi Brazil
Jessica Demarco United States RN, BSN
Abdelhafid Dib Algeria Professor University of Algiers
Tina Dobsevage United States Physician
Linda M. Drazen United States
Susana Dultzin Mexico Sociologist
Elana Dykewomon United States author
Miriam Eason United States American Jew for Peace
Lutz Ebers-Lehmann Germany Partei Die Linke
Todd Edelman Germany
Carrie Eder Canada artist, administrator, mother
Corinne Ehrenberg France Psychanalyste
Bernie Eisenberg United States Cmte to End Israeli Apertheid – So. CA
Hester Eisenstein United States Professor of Sociology, Queens College, CUNY
Jethro Eisenstein United States
Shraga Elam Switzerland Journalist
Liz Elkind United Kingdom
Judith Emanuel United Kingdom Pulic Health
Abraham Entin United States
Jean Entine United States Jewish Voice for Peace
Ben Epstein United States
Susan Epstein United States Librarian
Alan Essner United States
Marc Estrin United States writer, novelist
Phyllis Ewen United Kingdom artist
Paul Fagen United States educator and actor
Anna Farkas United States
Melissa Favero United States Teacher
Judith Favish South Africa
Sonia Fayman France French Jewish Union for Peace
Samantha Feder United States
Avram Fefer United States
Dror Feiler Sweden EJJP – European Jews for jJust Peace
Michael Felberbaum France musician
Harry Feldman Australia Public servant
Hayyim Feldman United States
Jonny Feldman United Kingdom Sheffield PSC
Rayah Feldman United Kingdom
Kathy Felgran United States Jewish/Bahai praying for justice
Gordon Fellman United States Brandeis University
Marion Fernandez Serrano Uruguay
Eva Ferrero Israel archivist
Raya Fidel United States Professor
Enrique Figueroa United States College Student
Neil Finer United Kingdom
Deborah Fink United Kingdom Singer, Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods (J-BIG), Jews for Justice for Palestinians (JfJf)
David Finkel United States Editor, AGAINST THE CURRENT
Joel Finkel United States AJJP, JVP
Norman Finkelstein United States
Sylvia Finzi United Kingdom JfjfP
Wlfgang Fischer Germany Emanzipation ad Humanum
Tovar Fonseca Brazil Teacher
Ari Lev Fornari United States rabbinical student
Terry Fowler United States
Robin Fox United States Jews for Global Justice
Jason Francisco United States
Libby Frank United States
H. Bruce Franklin United States author and professor
David Freedman United Kingdom
Lucy Freedman United States Communication Consultant
Aaron Freeman United States
Nora Freeman United States
Karin Friedemann United States Editor, World View News Service
Jeanne Frieden United States Nurse
Andreas Friedrich Germany
Jon Friend United Kingdom
Ellen Frith, M.Div. United States
Joanie Fritz Zosike United States Theatre worker and activist
Racheli Gai United States Tucson Women In Black
Amy Gaines United States Teacher, Jew, mother
Jurgis Gaižauskas Lithuania there will be no end….
Juliette Galant United States Publisher
Lila Garrett United States Radio Broadcaster
Hagar Garti Israel women in black
Shahrukh Gaziani United States
Carolyn Gelenter United Kingdom Jfjfp
Irene Gendzier United States professor boston university
Jeffrey George Singapore
Colette Georges Canada french jewish union for peace IJAN international
Nir Gepner Canada
Mindy Gershon United States
Carina Gia United States Writer
Corey Gil-Shuster Canada
Frances Gilmore United States teacher
Stephane N. Ginsburgh Belgium Musician
Denis Glaser United Kingdom jfjfp
Daniel Glasner United States Brooklyn Greens
Naomi Glauberman United States
Judith Glaubman United States
Joan Glickman United States psychotherapist
Angela Godfrey-Goldstein Israel ICAHD, Jerusalem www.icahd.org & Free Gaza Movement www.freegaza.org
Jeff Goh Singapore
Stacy Goldate United States
Harmony Goldberg United States PhD Candidate, CUNY Graduate Center
Levi Goldberg Canada
Tsilli Goldenberg Israel teacher
Elise Goldin United States student
Judith Goldschmidt Canada
Ami Goldstein United States Midwife
Gary Goldstein United States Prof. of Physics, Tufts U.
Edward Goldstone United States
Marris Goldstone United States
Alice Golin United States Writer
Fernando Golmia Brazil
Andrea Fabiana Gonzalez Argentina Estudiante
Eric Gordon United States Southern California Jewish activist
Sherry Gorelick United States Sociologist
Mickael Goulam France
Michael Gould-Wartofsky United States
Jeff Grabelsky United States
Peter Gray United States Attorney
Richard Greeman France Writer
Erin Green United States Student
Rosi Greenberg United States
Stanley Greenspoon Canada Professor
Tony Greenstein United Kingdom Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods
Jean-Guy Greilsamer France UJFP
Tsiporah Grignon Canada
Barbara Grill United States retired guidance counselor
Sally Grose United States
Robert Gross United States retired
Sabine Guez France anthropologist
Chanan and Batja Guggenheim-Ami Switzerland
Sara Gunning United States
Rachel Gurofsky Canada
Eric Gutstein United States Teachers for Social Justice (Chicago)
Sandi Gutstein United States
Marilyn Hacker United States Writer and teacher
Irit Hakim Israel
Jessica Halem United States
Joseph Halevi Australia Academic, University of Sydney
Ayman Hamade United Kingdom
Jaap Hamburger Netherlands Antilles A Different Jewish Voice, Amsterdam
Afi Hamid Brunei Darussalam Student
Jonathan Handelsman France Musician
Eve Hannum United States
Susan Harman United States Code Pink
Gerald Harris United States Global Studies Association, Prof. of History
Richard Harth United States Science Writer
Barbara Harvey United States American Jews for a Just Peace
Kathy Hass United States Mom
Ellie Hawkins United States Code Pink
Ellen Hawley United States writer
Abe Hayeem United Kingdom Chair, Architects & Planners for Justice in Palestine
Rosamine Hayeem United Kingdom Jews for Justice for Palestinians
Theresa Hays United States Private Citizen
Iris Hefets Germany EJJP
Elise Hendrick United States Translator, writer
Marian Herman United States PhD Immunology
Anne Herzon Craig United States
Susan Heuman United States Professor
Rebecca Heyl United States Artist/Activist
Pamela Hinden United States American Jews for a Just Peace
Louis Hirsch United States
Jane Hirschmann United States Jews Say NO, NYC
Craig Hofheimer United States
Gad Hollander United Kingdom writer
Tikva Honig-Parnass Israel
Alan Horn United States
Lisa Horn United States Child of Holocaust Survivors for No More Holocausts
Alissa Hull United States law student
Melinda Hull United States Education Professional
Rebecca Hutten United Kingdom Social scientist
Ellen Isaacs, MD United States
Shoshana Iten Switzerland
Laurie Izaks Macsween Australia
Annette Jacobson United States
Robert Jacobson United States Retired
Susan K. Jacoby United States Jewish Women for Justice in Israel/Palestine
Raha Janka United States Public Health
Fred Jerome United States Author (“The Einstein File” and “Einstein on Israel and Zionism”)
Angela Jerome-Tuckner United States Teacher
Dan Jetter United States
Barbara John United States retired teacher
Jimmy Johnson Israel Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions
Mark Johnson United Kingdom Croupier
Shana Johnson United States Student
Melanie Jones United States
Susan Jones United States
Dan Judelson United Kingdom JfJfP/EJJP
Levine Julie United States Topanga Peace Alliance
Jeff Juris United States Arizona State University
Zachris Jäntti Finland Student, University of Warwick
A K United Kingdom Neuroscience Student
Claire Kahane United States Professor Emerita, University at Buffalo
Francine Kahn France Consultant
Daniel Kaiser United States Professor of Literature, Sarah Lawrence College
Rachael Kamel United States researcher
Dan Kaplan United States Executive Director, AFT Local 1493
Howard Kaplan United States
Nelson Kasfir United States Professor
Ira Katz United States
Judith Katz United States author/educator
Sarah Katz United States
Sue Katz United States Jewish Women for Justice in Israel/Palestine
Kate P. Katzenstein-Leiterer Germany Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in Middeleast – German Section of EJJP
Tarak Kauff United States Veterans For Peace
Lynne Kavin United States JVP, AJJP
Adah Kay United Kingdom
Paul Kelemen United Kingdom lecturer, University of Manchester
Harry Kershner United States Jewish Voice for Peace
Miles Kimber United States Sharing Jerusalem USA
Socket Klatzker United States JVP Seattle
Alisa Klein United States
Mark Klein Canada
Shimon Z. Klein Israel Hospital Pharmacist
Ronni Klompus United States Jewish Voice for Peace
Magdalena Koehlen Germany
Ellen Koesten Austria EJJP Austria
Eleonore Kofman United Kingdom JfJfP
Peter Kohut United States College Student
Judith Kolokoff United States AJJP American Jews for a Just Peace
Heel Komuna Mexico kolectivo la otra komuna
Hélène Korb France
Anne Krantz United States
Berenice Kreel United Kingdom jfjfp
Richard Krushnic United States American Jews for a Just Peace
Gerty Krzywkowski France
Pascale Krzywkowski Canada
Isabelle Krzywkowski-Golon France Professor, University of Reims
Anton Kuerti Canada Musician
Donna Kurpaska United States
Peter Kuttner United States Filmmaker
Jose Lacerda Brazil BioSocial
Engelbert Lackner Germany
Judith Laitman United States American Jews for a Just Peace
Ariella Lake United States health care practitioner
Naomi Lamm United States writer, musician
Beryl Landau United States Artist
Susan Landau United States AJJP
Carol Lang United States member of the international working class
Daniel Lang/Levitsky United States Jews Against the Occupation/NYC; Adalah-NY
Robert Lange United States Brandeis University Emeritus
Lillian Laskin United States L.A. Jews for Peace
David Laub United States public high school teacher of mathematics
Paul Lauter United States Trinity College (Hartford)
Daniel Lavouras Brazil Teacher
James Marc Leas United States National Lawyers Guild
Marianna Lee United States editor
Susan Lee United States
Michael Leff United States
Paul Lefrak Venezuela
Darrell Legge Canada Independent Jewish Voices
Shamai Leibowitz Israel Lawyer, IDF veteran
Luiz Cesar Leite Batista Brazil
Clara Lennox United States Family Doctor – war is not healthy for children, or any living being on either side
Howard Lenow United States American Jews For A Just Peace
Mattia Leoni Ireland
Eytan Lerner Israel teacher and practitioner
Simon Leske Australia
Alma Leven Canada educator
Carol Leven United States
Les Levidow United Kingdom Jews Against Zionism
Amy Levin United States
Michael Levin United States musician, Jewish Voice for Peace
Rebekah Levin United States Researcher
Gabriel Levinas Argentina Journalist
Ellen Levine Canada Educator
Joseph Levine United States Professor of Philosophy
Ricardo Levins Morales United States International Jewish Anti-zionist Network
Cindy Levitt United States Jewish Voice for Peace, Chicago
Joan Levitt United States Teacher
Elana Levy United States syracuse jews for peace
Sonja Linden United Kingdom Playwright
David Lippman United States
Peter Lippman United States carpenter
Roger Lippman United States
Moisis Litsis Greece Jews for Peace
Nancy Lopez United States
Yosefa Loshitzky United Kingdom Professor, University of East London
Luisa Lowe United States Social Worker
Henry Lowi Canada Lawyer, IDF veteran
Maria de Fátima M. de Queiroz Brazil doctor
Deborah Maccoby United Kingdom Jews for Justice for Palestinians
Jonatas Machado Brazil
Liz Magnes United States musician/educator/dual citizen peace activist
Joan Mahoney United States Law Professor
Samson Raphael Maimon Israel Teacher in Talmudics
Beryl Maizels United Kingdom
Jonathan Mall Germany Student
David Mandel United States Jewish Voice for Peace
David Mandelzys Canada
Charles Manekin United States Professor of Philosophy, University of Maryland
Josina Manu Maltzman United States International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network – Twin Cities
Becca Matles United States
Sabetai Matsas Greece Balkan Center Christian Rakovsky
Daniel Mayer United States
Paul Mayer Canada
Rela Mazali Israel
Pamela Mcghee United States PMP, MCGHEE ENTERPRISES
Nova Mcgiffert United States Philadelphia Jews for a Just Peace
Shaun Mclaughlin Canada former moderator for arab/isreali debates mcgill uni, montreal
Cida Medeiros Brazil Journalist, Culture of Peace and Non Violence Communication researcher
Hilda Meers United Kingdom Retired lecturer
Avraam-Alberto Menasse Greece Architect
Mireille Mendes France UJFP
Ben Mermelstein United States
Hannah Mermelstein United States
Jules Mermelstein United States
Ruth Mermelstein United States
Jean Claude Meyer France UJFP http://schlomoh.blog.lemonde.fr
Matt Meyer United States Peace and Justice Studies Association
Alan Meyers United States pediatrician; American Jews for a Just Peace
Rachel Michaels United States Teacher
Martine Miel United Kingdom JFJFP/JBIG
Linda Milazzo United States LA Jews For Peace
John M Miller United States War Resisters League
Martha Miller Canada teacher, artist
Nancy Miller United States Mennonite Voice for Peace
Laurie Millman United States
Daniel Minkin United States CG artist
Janice Misurell-Mitchell United States Democrat Socialists of America
Wayne Mitzner United States Educator
Olga Molodtsova United States Peace activist
Luana Monteiro United States
Amy Mook United States
Susan Mordechay Israel
Chris Morse United States
Arlene Moscovitch Canada
Cary Moskovitz United States
Marnie Mueller United States Writer
Khalil Murad Lebanon Lebanese Arab
Charles Shaar Murray United Kingdom journalist and author
David Mynott II United States Artist
Zoe Nacht United States
Beverly Naidus United States Artist/Author/Professor @ University of Washington, Tacoma
Dorothy Naor Israel
Simon Natas United Kingdom
Diana Neslen United Kingdom JFJFP/EJJP
Joan Nestle United States Lesbian Herstory Archives
Devora Neumark Canada Artist
Donna Nevel United States
Jim Newman United States ajjp, jvp,ajp
Isabel Nicholson United States
Alma Norman Canada congregation Adath Shalom
Judith Norman United States Professor, Trinity University
Sergio Notari Brazil Salesman
Melissa Nussbaum Mexico healer/actress
Tema Okun Canada
Almao Omario Germany It Consultant
Claire Oren Israel
Gilda Outremont United States
Ellen Oxfeld United States Anthropologist
Max Ozinsky South Africa Not in My Name SA & Member of Provincial Legislature
Carol Pampaloni United States US Citizens against the war Florence
Maxim Panteleev Germany student
Cynthia Papermaster United States National Impeachment Network
Marcela Pardes United States
Mariana Pardes United States
Melisa Pardes United States Artist
Davd Parker United States Concerned citizen of this world. No religious or political views blinding me to this injustice.
Judith Mahoney Pasternak United States writer
Edson Peixoto Brazil Product´s Designer
Tova Perlmutter United States JVP and AJJP
Noam Perry United States Student
Danielle Peshkin United States student
Angela Pessinis Canada
Valerie Peter France
Joakim Philipson Sweden JIPF
Martin Pienkowski Canada
Suzanna Pilowsky Canada Researcher
Daniel Pines United States Jewish Voice for Peace, U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
Julia Pitt United States Student Activist
Lucia Pizarro Canada IJAN
Andy Podell United States
Mendal Polish United States PJJP
Haley Pollack United States
Verandah Porche United States poet & teacher
Vivienne Porzsolt Australia Jews against the Occupation Sydney
Claire Posner United States
Emily Posner United States Workmen Circle Arberter RIng
Mira Posner-Collins United States attorney
Danny Postel United States Writer
Milad Poursaied Islamic Republic Of Iran Just a student in canada !
Rob Prince United States
François Provansal France Médecin
Mireille Provansal-Lippmann France Professeur Université
Chaim Pulvermacher France
Brigitte Queck Germany Mothers against war Berlin
Shlomo Rabin Canada Electrical Engineer
Yakov Rabkin Canada University of Montreal
Jean Rabovsky United States
Peter Rachleff United States Professor, Macalester College
Mattia Ragno Italy
Helen Raizen United States
Samuel Ramos Brazil
Ruth Ramot Israel editor
Roland Rance United Kingdom Jews Against Zionism
Janet Randall United States
Judy Rattner United States
Claude Raymond France Retraitée – Membre de l’UJFP
Adi Raz Belgium Union of progressive jews of Belgium
Karen Redleaf United States
Jessica Reed United States
Charles Reich United States
Julie Reich United States
Dorothy Reik United States Progressive Democrats
Irit Reinheimer United States media maker
Geraldo Reinicke Brazil Spelunker
Joseph Reitman United States Business owner
Idrian Resnick United States President, Resnick Development Services
Ziva Resnick Israel An upset citizen
Neal Resnikoff United States
James Revkin United States Physician, Yale University
Michael Richter United States Clown
Susan Rivo United States American Jews for a Just Peace
Ellen Robbins United States Women in Black
Elizabeth Roberts United States
Stewart Robinson United States Retired Professor
Marco Antonio Rodrigues De Albuquerque Brazil Professor
Eleanor Roffman United States jewish women for justice in israel/palestine
Suzanne Rogalin United States Environmental Consusltant
Nancy Romer United States
Ned Rosch United States health foundation director
Lisa Roscoe United States Students For Justice in Palestine
Bob Rosen Canada B.C. Teachers’ Federation (retired)
Robert Rosen United States
Sandra Rosen United States
Tracy Rosen Canada High School Teacher
Yonkel Rosen United States
Barbara Rosenbaum United Kingdom
Carl Rosenberg Canada Editor, Canadian Jewish Outlook magazine
Amir Rosenblatt United States
Jonathan Rosenhead United Kingdom Professor London School of Economics; British Committee for the Universities of Palestine
Amy Rosenthal United States Artist
Robert Ross United States
Carolyn Roth United Kingdom
Alice Rothchild. MD United States American Jews for a Just Peace
Sue Rouda United States AJJP, PJJP, SUSTAIN
Sam Ruben United States URI
Cheryl Rubenberg United States
Martin Rubenberg United States Physician
Cinda Rubinstein United States
Dr Jeff Rudin South Africa South African Municipal Workers Union
Lori Rudolph United States AJJP & MEPJA
João Saboia Brazil Saler Manager
David Salas Spain student
Margot Salom Australia Palestinians & Jewish Unity for Justice & Peace
Christine Salomon France anthropologue
Lawrence Saltzman United States
Catherine Samary France UJFP, universitaire
Pedro Sandoval Castillo Mexico Lawyer
Marlena Santoyo Canada Jewish Voice for Peace
Peggy Sapphire United States writer
Michael-David Sasson United States Green Party
Susan Schacher United States
Nicoletta Schiavon Italy –
Daniel Schleifer United States
Roxie Schliesman United States
Janet Schneider United States
Nicole Schnitzer-Toulouse France lyric singer – Femmes en noir
Nina Schrank United Kingdom Events/Marketing
George Schuler United States Humanity
Gwendolyn Schulman Canada
Danièle Schulmann France UJFP
Robert Schwab United States
Wendy Schwartz United States Writer
Sylvia Schwarz United States
Hannah Schwarzschild United States American Jews for a Just Peace
William Seaman United States pdxjustice Media Productions
Nancy Seats United States Peace activist
Jane Sebba United Kingdom
Evalyn Segal United States Professor Emerita of Psychology
Jeffrey Segal United States Lawyer
Goldberg Serge French Southern Territories MRAP
Dr. Edward Shaffer Canada Veterans Against Nuclear Arms
Heather Shafter United States Member of WILPF
Rami Shahin United States student
Cindy Shamban United States Jewish Voice for Peace
Leonard Shames United States WCES
Tali Shapiro Israel Concerned citizen
Robin Share United States Teacher
Iftach Shavit United States Film and Video
Marika Sherwood United Kingdom historian
Yael Shinar United States
Ur Shlonsky Switzerland
Sid Shniad Canada Independent Jewish Voices Canada
Fran Shor United States
Steve Shore United States Software Developer
Brenda Shorkend United States
Phyllis Shulman United States psychotherapist
Arie Shulov Israel student
Barbara Shuman Canada
Ellen Siegel United States RN
Irene Siegel United States Arabic and Jewish Studies Professor
Rich Siegel United States Advisory Board, Deir Yassin Remembered
Jerry Silberman United States Union organizer
Sam Sills United States Media producer
Sarah Sills United States Graphic Artist
Anne Silver United States
Shel Silver United States AFSCME Council 31, Retired
Linda Simans United Kingdom
Leslie Simon United States
Serge Simon Belgium writer
Joel Simpson United States photographer, writer
Susanna Sinigaglia Italy italian-jewish peace network
Hanna Taufiq Siraj Singapore Student
Ruth Sirton United Kingdom SJfJfP (Scottish Jews for Justice for Palestinians
Yasmin Sivan Israel artist
Iwanna Skantzeli Greece self employed in trade,translator,contemporqary and jazz dancer
Laura Sklarsky United States American Jews for a Just Peace
Leslie Sloane United States
Gillian Slovo United Kingdom
Ricardo Slutzki United States
Mara Slutzki-Gonzalez United States Graphic Designer
Ben Snyder United States
Mark Solomon United States Prof., Emeritus, Simmons College, Boston
Nicole Solomon United States
Wendy Somerson United States Jewish Voice for Peace-Seattle
Karina Soto Mexico Student
Eve Spangler United States
Miriam Victory Spiegel Switzerland Jews for a Just Peace (jvjp/Jüdische Stimme für einen gerechten Frieden zwischen Israel und Palästina)
Gideon Spiro Israel Journalist. Founding member of “Yesh Gvul” (There is a Limit) and The Israeli Committee for a Middle East Free from Atom
Jakub Srebro Sweden Editor, Jews for Israeli-Palestinian Peace
Barbara Stahler-Sholk United States Jewish Voice for Peace and Amercian Jews for a Just Peace, Detroit, MI
Pierre Stambul France UJFP (French Jewish Union for a Just Peace)
Burton Steck United States AJJP/JVP-Chicago
David Stein United States
Clay Steinman United States Professor, Macalester College
Ruth Stern United Kingdom
Sharon Stern United States Jews for Global Justice
Max Strassfeld United States
Rebecca Subar United States Conflict Management Consultant
Elana Summers Caro Switzerland
Alice Sturm Sutter United States Nurse Practitioner, Women In Black, Washington Heights
Hamza Syed Canada
Thalia Syracopoulos United States Seattle Women In Black/Seattle NOW
Inbar Tamari United Kingdom
Alexandre Tambosi Brazil
Sylvia Gabrielle Tanford United States photographer
Michael Tanzer United States economist
Doug Tarnopol United States Instructional Designer, Writer
Bruce Taub United States Progressive Democrats of America
Bill Templer Malaysia academic
Ruth Tenne United Kingdom Jews for Justice for Palestinians
Daniel Thau-Eleff Canada
Michele Thorsen United States Peace will come when Israel ceases their illegal, immoral and deceitful occupation
Randie Tollefson United States Student – Marriage and Family Therapy
Barbara Trachtenberg United States school psychologist, writer
Harald Trulsrud Norway Judge
Marianne Turner United States teacher
Sharon Ullman United States Professor, Bryn Mawr College
Katie Unger United States Jews Against the Occupation
Larry A. Unruh United States
Israel Valencia Mexico
Yaminah Valentine United States
Roman Vater Poland
Dominique Ventre France UJFP
Arlene Vicente Brazil teacher
Rebecca Vilkomerson Israel
Sharyn Vincent South Africa video production manager
Cohen Viviane Morocco architect UJFP women in black IJAN
Carol Wald United States
Stanley Walinets United Kingdom Jews for Justice for Palestinians
Tracy Wallach United States
Gerald Wallbridge United States human
Katharine Wallerstein United States Global Commons Foundation
Anne Wangh United States Women in Black
Arnold Warshaw United States
Paul Wasserman United States
Daniel Waterman Netherlands A-keys
Peter Waterman United Kingdom Network Institute for Global Democracy, Democracia Global Peru
Terry Weber United States Another Jewish Mets Fan Against the Occupation
Françoise Weil France UJFP
Zohar Weiman Kelman United States UC Berkeley
Carol Weinshenker United States Women Of A Certain Age
Bonnie Weinstein United States Bay Area United Against War
MaxZine Weinstein United States Tennessee gardener
Zipporah Weisberg Canada
Danny Weiss United States
Julianna Weiss Sweden JIPF (Jews for Israel Palestina Peace)
Shelly Weiss United States Member, Kolot Chayeinu
Marc Weissburg Canada Professor
Lynn Weissman United States
Mike Weissman United Kingdom
Samuel Welber Austria ejjp
Susan Werbe United States Educator
Ruth Wexler Canada
Elliot Williams United States
Terry Winant United States California State University, Fresno
Marilina Winik Argentina independent sociologist and cultural activist
Marcy Winograd United States LA Jews for Peace, teacher
Ellen Wolpert United States
Abby Yanow United States United for Justice with Peace, American-Israeli
Tamar Yaron Israel Encounter-EMEM for international Israel-Palestine peace activities – http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Encounter-EMEM/
Ben Young United Kingdom JFJFP
Ethan Young United States editor
Michele Zackheim United States Writer
Susanna Zaraysky United States Jewish Voice for Peace, SF Bay Area
Nancy Zarrow United States Public Relations and writer
Dylan Zeitlyn United States
Emily Zeitlyn United States
Dorothy Zellner United States editor, consultant
Rachel Zeng Singapore Teacher
Howard Zinn British Indian Ocean Territory
Marilyn Zuckerman United States poet
*For identification purposes only
745 people from 38 countries have signed the Statement.



EmiNews 2009

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