12030 “Influx – Europe is moving”: nuovo film di Luca Vullo e Nicola Mai, il 25 maggio a Londra

20160420 20:20:00 redazione-IT

The Department of Languages and Cultures of the University of Westminster is pleased to present the screening of two documentaries by Italian filmmaker Luca Vullo, followed by a discussion with the director.
From Sulphur to Coal (52’, 2008) A documentary on the historical emigration of thousands of miners and their families from Italy to Belgium at the end of World War II following the 1946 Italo-Belgian Agreement. Labourers sold for coal’s sacks between economic interests, human rights crushed and occupational safety non existent.


Influx – Europe is moving (15’, 2015) London has never attracted so many Italians as in the last few years. In a period when European immigration is continuously debated in politics, INFLUX, through the perspective of well-established Italian immigrants offers an emotional self-analysis that reveals the strengths and weaknesses of Italians, showing the uniqueness of their mentality as well as their contradictions.

The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the director Luca Vullo and prof. Nicola Mai (University of Kingston). Some of he people interviewed for the documentary Influx will also be present.
The event will be chaired by Dr Federica Mazzara (University of Westminster). For further information please contact: f.mazzara@westminster.ac.uk


Luca Vullo is a versatile artist with a penchant for filmmaking and audio-visual art. His movies reveal a great sensitivity towards social and anthropological issues; at the same time, his work displays originality and technical savviness throughout the creative process: development, scriptwriting, direction, editing and production. Luca recognizes the educational value of audio-visual art and has been successfully involved in Media Education for several years amidst a wide variety of settings: primary and secondary schools, non-profit associations, social cooperatives, correctional facilities and rehab communities. Luca is an excellent communicator, with proven team-leading and organizational skills. He is actively involved in cultural events, art fairs and film festivals.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016 from 18:00 to 20:00 (BST) –

University of Westminster, Regent Street Campus – 309 Regent Street Room UG05, London, W1B 2HW, United Kingdom

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