COVID-19 (AUDIO) Testimonianza da Barcellona (Spagna) 25 Marzo 2020 Red-Bruxelles COVID-19 (Estero), A- Eminews MULTIMEDIA (Audio e Video), C- Rete FIEI 0 A tourist shows the location of his hotel to a local police in downtown Madrid, Spain, Sunday, March 15, 2020. Spain awoke to its first day of a nationwide quarantine on Sunday after the government declared a two-week state of emergency. The government imposed the special measures including the confinement of people to their homes unless shopping for food and medicine, going to and from work, and to meet other basic needs. The vast majority of people recover from the new coronavirus. According to the World Health Organization, most people recover in about two to six weeks, depending on the severity of the illness. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)Una testimonianza sulla situazione coronavirus da Barcellona (Spagna)Link per ascoltare Views: 147covid-19AIUTACI AD INFORMARE I CITTADINI EMIGRATI E IMMIGRATI
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