6940 "La felicità nel cambiamento" un e-book di Ervin Laszlo e Marco Roveda da leggere e da diffondere

20090323 12:06:00 redazione-IT

TITOLO ORIGINALE: [b]"Finding bliss in the shift"[/b]
Titolo in Italiano: [b]"La felicità nel cambiamento"[/b]

Negli ultimi anni, e specialmente da quando la crisi economico-finanziaria s’è acuita nell’autunno 2008, è diventato chiaro che c’è qualcosa di profondamente sbagliato nel nostro mondo. I media traboccano di notizie sulla crisi e sulle crisi, suggerendo come affrontarle. Ma le analisi sono prevalentemente settoriali e parziali.
Si parla della crisi finanziaria e della conseguente crisi economica, quindi delle crisi ecologiche e di tutte quelle connesse alle risorse:

crisi energetica, alimentare, idrica e molte altre. Si parla anche di esasperato consumismo, fabbisogni d’energia in crescità, avidità.
Manca una integrale, onnicomprensiva visione d’insieme su ciò che è sbagliato e quindi su ciò che è necessario fare per porvi rimedio.
Questo e-book prova ad analizzare integralmente i problemi, che noi preferiamo chiamare «effetti», cercando di partire dalle cause, per poi individuare la soluzione.

Cosa c’è di sbagliato nel nostro mondo?
— uno, è socialmente, economicamente, ecologicamente insostenibile;
— due, è intriso da comportamenti irrazionali
— tre, è governato da modelli di riferimento (teniamo fuori le religioni), aspirazioni e valori obsoleti.

[b]Indice (versione italiana)[/b]

– I nodi dell’insostenibilità
– Comportamenti irrazionali
– Aspirazioni e credo obsoleti

– Gli obiettivi tempestivi della politica
– Gli obiettivi sociali del business

– Il monito americano
– Il quinto elemento
– Causa ed effetto
– Il cambiamento
– Il passo imperativo: la crescita della consapevolezza
– Dalle parole ai fatti
– Questione di tempo
– Per essere felici – Ultimi appunti


[b]An integral diagnosis[/b]

In the last few years, and especially since the financial-economic crisis of the fall of 2008, it has become unmistakably clear that there is something seriously wrong with our world. The media is full of reports on crises, and suggestions on what to do about them. But the diagnosis and the cure are highly sectoral and partial. There is talk
about the financial crisis, and the overall economic crisis. Then of the environmental crisis and various resource-crises: energy, food, water, among others. There is also talk about consumerism, powerhunger, and greed. There is no integral, encompassing overview of what’s wrong, and what is needed to correct it.

This pamphlet attempts an integral treatment of the world’s health problem. it reviews the factors that make the planet sick, and suggests the nature of the treatment that would heal it.

What’s wrong with the world?

an integral analysis shows that the contemporary world is
— 1, socially, economically, and ecologically unsustainable,
— 2, saddled with irrational behaviours,
— 3, governed by obsolete beliefs and aspirations.


1 The rooTs of crisis
– Unsustainability in society
– irrational behaviors
– obsolete beliefs and aspiration

2 WhaT can Be Done To heal oUr WorlD?
– finDing a cUre
– The objectives of enlightened politics
– The social objective in business

3 cUring The consUMPTion aDDicTs
– The american admonition
– The fifth element
– cause and effect
– The change
– The basic objective: the growth of our consciousness
– from words to actions
– The question of time
– To be happy – last points



[b]Ervin Laszlo[/b]

is Founder and President of The Club of Budapest, President of the WorldShift Network, Founder of the General Evolution Research Group, Co-Chair of the World Wisdom Council, Fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences, Member of the International Academy of Philosophy of Science, Senator of the International Medici Academy, and Editor of the international periodical World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution. He has a PhD from the Sorbonne and is the recipient of honorary PhD’s from the United States, Canada, Finland, and Hungary.
Formerly Professor of Philosophy, Systems Science, and Futures Studies in various universities in the US, Europe, and the Far East, he lectures worldwide. Laszlo received the Peace Prize of Japan, the Goi Award, in 2002, the International Mandir of Peace Prize in Assisi in 2005, and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004. He is the author or co-author of fifty-four books translated into as many as twenty-three languages, and serves as editor of another thirty volumes in addition to a four-volume World Encyclopedia of Peace. He lives in the Provincia di Pisa in Tuscany.


[b]Marco Roveda[/b]

In 1978 he embraced biodynamic agriculture establishing the Scaldasole farm in 1981 that immediately became the first biological food company in Italy. Within a very brief period of time over 60.000 companies, inspired by his success, followed suite and began to produce and transform biological products pushing Italy from last to first place for biological production in Europe. In 1997 he received the Entrepreneur of the Year prize from the CCIA in the category “Quality of life”. In 2000 he founded LifeGate that rapidly became the meeting place for people and companies that want to realise their own ethical and sustainability principles. In 2002 he received the RCS Cenacolo prize for Publishing and Innovation. In 2008 the Schwab Foundation and the World Economic Forum conferred the international prize “Social Entrepreneur of the Year” on Marco Roveda. In 2004 he published, for Ponte alle Grazie, the book “Perché che la faremo’ (Because we can make it). In 2008 he was the protagonist of the series “I Sostenibili” for Salerno Publishing with “L’ecobusiness ci salverà” (Will ecobusiness save us?), book-interview-biography by Enzo Argante. Today he lives in the province of Como, in what was the first headquarters of the Scaldasole farm and that is today home to Italy’s first photovoltaic park “solar tracker”.



[b]Versione Inglese[/b]

[b]Versione Italiano[/b]



EmiNews 2009

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