5728 Luis Posada Carriles: A Tribunal in New York

20081004 11:26:00 redazione-IT

Tuesday, October 7, 6-8 pm
New York University Law School, Furman Hall, Rm. 216
245 Sullivan Street

245 Sullivan Street

* Jane Franklin, Historian and Author
* Wayne Smith, Senior Fellow, Center for International
* Brian Becker, Director, A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
* Lynne Stewart, speaking on the Cuban Five

According to classified FBI and CIA documents, Posada is responsible for a series of deadly terrorist attacks: from the 1976 bombing of Cubana flight 455 which killed all 73 on board, to a long string of bombings in Cuban hotels which killed Italian tourist Fabio Di Celmo. Posada later boasted about the diCelmo killing in a New York Times interview.

Tuesday, October 7, 6-8 pm
New York University Law School, Furman Hall, Rm. 216
245 Sullivan Street

* Jane Franklin, Historian and Author
* Wayne Smith, Senior Fellow, Center for International
* Brian Becker, Director, A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
* Lynne Stewart, speaking on the Cuban Five

According to classified FBI and CIA documents, Posada is responsible for a series of deadly terrorist attacks: from the 1976 bombing of Cubana flight 455 which killed all 73 on board, to a long string of bombings in Cuban hotels which killed Italian tourist Fabio Di Celmo. Posada later boasted about the diCelmo killing in a New York Times interview.

The U.S. refuses to honor Venezuela’s request to extradite Posada for the bombing, so Luis Posada Carriles currently remains free.

PLEASE RSVP to andrea.nieves@nyu.edu by October 6th at 5pm if you plan to attend.

Sponsored by the NYU NLG Chapter, the NYC NLG and the NLG National Office.


Contact us: info@freethefive.org
Or call: 415-821-6545
Web: http://www.freethefive.org

Free the Cuban Five Now!
Allow the families’ visits!
Grant entry visas to
Adriana Pérez and Olga Salanueva!






EmiNews 2008


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