467 USA: Serafini, Adamo Announce the “Alternativa Indipendente” Ticket

20051118 11:21:00 rod

The candidates in the upcoming Italian elections with the overseas vote, John Adamo and Dom Serafini, took the occasion of a social event at the Garibaldini Club in Los Angeles to announce the name of their ticket: Alternativa Indipendente Italiani all’Estero (Independent Alternative for Italians Overseas, or AIIE).

Under this banner, a politically independent group of candidates will participate in the Italian elections to be held early 2006 when, for the first time, Italian citizens living overseas will elect their own representatives to the Italian Parliament in Rome.
Adamo (www.johnadamo.com) is an attorney and the Secretary of San Francisco’s Committee for Italians Abroad (Com.It.Es.). Adamo is the candidate for the Camera dei Deputati (Chamber of Deputies).
Serafini (www.domserafini.com) is the publisher and editor of "Video Age," a professional magazine for the international TV industry. He’s also a contributor to a number of newspapers in the U.S., Canada, Latin America and Italy. Serafini is the candidate for the Senate.
"It is our commitment to work to improve the consular services for Italians abroad, to guarantee free medical coverage to those Italians who return to Italy to visit relatives or on vacation, to promote the study of the Italian language, and many other issues that concern our Italian community in North and Central America," the two candidates declared. A detailed program will be published at the AIIE website: www.aiie.net.
Serafini and Adamo have solid organizational structures: Serafini has offices in both New York and Los Angeles, while Adamo travels between California and Westchester County, New York. Serafini also has bases in both Toronto and Montreal and offices for his magazine in Milano. His Italian campaign offices are in Pescara, while Adamo has his in Benevento and Lucca.
Both have traveled extensively throughout their electoral college to promote their candidacies.
Present at the Garibaldini announcement were Noema Corradi, president of the Federation of Italian Associations in Southern California, and Sergio Bracci, president of the Garibaldini.
The AIIE’s list of candidates will expand over the upcoming weeks in order to create a balanced ticket representing the entire electoral district of North and Central America. Serafini is awaiting the decision of the Canadian government regarding the ability of Italian citizens in that country to participate in the upcoming vote in order to announce the candidacy of a Canadian to the Senate. The candidacy of a well-known member of the Italian community in Mexico and Central America to the Chamber of Deputies will be announced soon. The AIIE candidate list can have double the number of seats available in its college: thus 2 for the Senate and 4 for the Chamber of Deputies.
"The importance of this list," stated Romana Bracco, president of the Com.It.Es. for the San Francisco consular district, "is that it is independent and represents the entire electoral district: Canada, the U.S., Mexico, and Central America." Aldo Di Felice, president of TLN, the Italian TV network headquartered in Toronto, which broadcasts to all of Canada, said, "This list represents the interests of Italians living in Canada." Raffaello Del Grande, president of the Lucchesi nel Mondo of Chicago, declared that the AIIE list of candidates, "represents the best that our electoral district has to offer." "The uniqueness of this list," according to Stefano Vaccara, editor of "US Italia Weekly" of New York, "is that it is independent and represents the entire
electoral district of North and Central America." "These candidates," noted Luciana
Biseo, the editor of "L’Amico" of San José, Costa Rica, "offer the certainty that they will work for our interests without being compromised by the internal machinations of the political parties in Italy."


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