12193 “INCLUSION/E”: I risultati del FILEF Short Film Competition and Festival della FILEF di Sydney

20161115 19:39:00 redazione-IT

[b]“INCLUSION/E” FILEF Short Film Competition and Festival[/b]
About 200 people attended the 3rd edition of FILEF Short Film Festival on the theme “INCLUSION/E”, on Saturday 22 October in the Italian Forum Cultural Centre in Leichhardt, the closing event of Double Belonging Festival 2016.
A diverse range of short films participated, 14 altogether, by directors of all ages, from only 12 to over 70 years old, not only Australian and Italian, but also born in Lebanon, Iran, Malaysia, Cambodia and Indonesia. According to the jury deciding the winners “has been a very difficult decision because of the diverse and compelling attributes of all the films. We’d like to commend all participants, because individually they all have something special – either they are innovative, moving, original, incisive politically and/or their subjects very well chosen. They are a testament to a strong creative and humanitarian urge among the emerging filmmakers”.

First prize ($1000 offered by FILEF) went to young filmmaker Radheya Jegatheva, born in Malaysia and living in Perth, with “Journey”.

Second prize ($500 also offered by FILEF) went to “Rafiula Khan’s Speech for Kamil Hussein” directed by Alfred Pek in association with People Just Like Us, while the Under 18 Prize went to 12 year old Giulio Robilliard for We Are All In This Together.

Finally, prize for best performance. “Camera 101, a course in acting in front of a Camera” offered by Actor Centre Australia, went to Gerard O’Dwyer in Anaconda directed by Jerome Pearce and produced by Information and Communication Exchange.

Particularly well received by the audience was Inclusion by Franco Baldi (Sicily: a melting pot of civilizations that came from the sea and left their imprint. Still today, new guest keep coming from the sea); Together for Humanity by Rabbi Zalman Kastel and Larry Gray (School children of different backgrounds – Muslim, Jewish and Christians address the NSW Parliament speaking about inclusion, racism, multicultural issues and the treatment of people with disabilities). Applause also for On This Land by Izzat Nadeem (A link between Palestinians under occupation and the First People of this continent, expressed through Palestinian poetry spoken in an Aboriginal language) and for the animation Baird’s Paradise, by cartoonist Rocco Fazzari (a parody of NSW governemnt quest to gain control of public land to build apartment blocks).

The opening screenings, out of competition, were dedicated to Italian mass immigration, yesterday and today, in the 1960s and now, with the new wave of young people on working holiday in Australian farms. Also out of competition, filmmakers Fabio Cavadini and Mandy King introduced a short version of their Time to Draw the Line, an overview of the vexed issue of maritime boundaries between Australia and Timor Leste. A boundary that Australia imposed in its favour, by including in its side an area in the Timor Sea rich in oil reserves.

In his welcoming address, Claudio Marcello of the FILEF Committee stressed the need for social inclusion in these times of fear of the different. “We should be proud of multiculturalism, in which Australia for many years has been an example to the world”, he said. “Now multiculturalism is in danger by a resurgence of racism and intolerance, towards “the other, towards Muslim communities in particular”, he added.

The event was opened by Murri poet and activist Ken Canning from the Binjara Nation, who stressed the need for a Treaty with Australia’s First People, rather than a symbolic mention in the Constitution, as the only way to obtain the preservation of a living culture e genuine self-determiantion.

Prizes were awarded on behalf of the jury by Dean Carrey, Artistic Director of Actor Centre Australia, a sponsor of this competition, which conducts acting classes and manages cultural evets in the Italian Forum Cultural Centre. The Short Film Festival, on 22 October, was the closing event of Double Belonging 2016 and the screenings and award ceremony were followed by a party in the foyer, with music by Sicilian street artist Santino Salvadore.


Saturday 22 October 2016 Italian Forum Cultural Centre


BEST FILM ($1000 from FILEF):


Director and Producer: Radheya Jegatheva

All alone and lost in space, luckily the astronaut finds someone else going through the same difficulty and they join forces to travel the Universe together.

The Jury: A young filmmaker with a great technical grasp of animation combined with a sensitive, imaginative and moving message about the future of humanity


Rafiullah Khan Speech for Kamil Hussein

Director Alfred Pek

Producer/s Alfred Pek, in association with People Just Like Us

A reading of the speech from Rafiullah Khan, one of Australia’s asylum seekers offshore detainees. Rafiullah is grieving for his friend Kamil Hussein who has taken his own life in Manus Island Detention Centre, and he pleads to Australia to accept the offshore detainees and end their suffering

The Jury: This emotionally engaging film about one – of a number of – morally challenging subjects for all Australians has a powerful and moving message.

UNDER 18 ($100 Apple Gift Voucher):

We Are All in This Together

Director Giulio Robilliard

Four school girls, two Iranian refugees and two Aussies from Maroubra, show us what happens when we open our heart to each other.

The Jury: A great yet simple idea for a film – usually the best – shows how kids accept each other through contact and exchange – something adults should be doing more of!

BEST INTERPRETATION (Camera 101, a course on acting in front of a camera, from Actors Centre of Australia):

Gerard O’Dwyer in Anaconda

Director Jerome Pearce

Producer Information and Cultural Exchange

Gerard O’Dwyer has a growing reputation as a performer, leading man and one of the ambassadors for the ‘Don’t Dis My Ability’ campaign. In ‘Anaconda’ we get a glimpse of Gerard backstage as he practices to overcome his stutter before walking onstage to tell his story.

The Jury: directed by Jerome Pearce about rehearsals by actor Gerard O’Dwyer, Anaconda is a clever and subtle film about overcoming a disability, his stutter before a performance

FONTE: filefaustralia.org

Appena possibile i film partecipanti saranno aggiunti in FILEFYoutube insieme a quelli già presenti, dei concorsi 2014 e 2015:

LINK: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1u2RFOtLrgjs8wrzeX6aFw

Altri film e documentario sono presenti sul canale di FILEF Italia:

LINK: https://www.youtube.com/user/FILEFITALIA


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