11496 ANTI-CORRUPTION DAY 2014 a Bruxelles il 9 dicembre

20141207 20:01:00 redazione-IT

[b]An assembly with MEPs, a round table on whistleblowing and other initiatives in Brussels, Belgium[/b]
Libera, Libera Brussels and the campaign Restarting the Future are happy to invite everybody to Brussels on December 9, 2014, for the Anti-corruption day.
The programme for the day is focused on the presentation of a report on whistleblowing recently issued by Restarting the Future. The event also features a meeting with MEPs, aimed at discussing measures to tackle organised crime at the EU level, including the possible creation of an Intergroup On Integrity, Transparency, Anticorruption and Organised Crime, a proposal launched by RTF along with Transparency International, Open Society and Alter-Eu.


12.30 – 14.00: European Agenda Against Corruption and Organised Crime, Assembly with MEPs and with Luigi Ciotti, President of Libera.
Venue: European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Brussels, Belgium, Room JAN 4Q2
15.00 – 18.00: Blowing the Whistle on Corruption. A campaign for an European Directive in defense of Whistleblowers, Round table, with the participation of Benedek JAVOR, Federico VARESE, Leonardo FERRANTE, Daniele SANTORO,, Emanuela CEVA, Maeve COOKE, Cathy JAMES, Anja OSTERHAUS, Mark WORTH, Stefanie MIHAIL, Nicole Marie MEYER.
Venue: European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Brussels, Belgium, Room ASP 5E1
Please Note: previous registration is mandatory to access the EP’s premises. Libera provided an online registration form that can be used to enroll. The deadline for registration is November 30.

For further information, please contact Libera International: international [at] libera.it

Libera Brussels is also preparing a public initiative in the city centre in the evening, starting at 18:00 CET with a round table:

18.00 – 20.00: Fighting corruption within national and European level – Round table moderated by journalist Giuseppina PATERNITI, with the participation of Luigi CIOTTI, President of Libera, spokespersons for Restarting the Future and the Corporate Europe Observatory, and other guests.

20.00 – 22.30: Social Village, featuring artworks and art performances (photos, paintings, video & music) and a tasting of products by Libera Terra, coming from land confiscated to the mafias.
The event will also give the occasion to wish a happy birthday to Libera Brussels, that was founded in December 2013.

Venue: Micromarché, Quai à la Houille 9, Brussels.



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