20160222 14:07:00 redazione-IT


Che ci sarà un limite nell’acceso dei benefit al welfare per i futuri 7 anni – più precisamente la limitazione si applicherà a tutti i lavoratori nuovi arrivati dall’Italia e L’accesso ai benefits sarà graduale nell’arco di quattro anni, la durata delle restrizioni sarà appunto di 7 anni.
Naturalmente se al prossimo referendum la GB dirà si all’Europa scatteranno le nuove misure, se ci sarà un no l’accordo decadrà automaticamente.
E’ importante qui ricordare che la comunità degli italiani in GB, che conta circa 600mila persone è tra quelle comunità, che al netto e in proporzione numerica, contribuisce di più al mantenimento dello stato sociale (e molto lieti di farlo). Per avere un’idea di che cosa stiamo parlando e dei tipi di benefits al welfare che saranno limitati per i nuovi italiani arrivati in GB, qui di seguito uno stralcio non inclusivo di tutte le voci, (ItalUK):

• Apply for free school meals
• Benefits calculators
• Care to Learn
• Carer’s Credit
• Child Trust Fund
• Childcare Grant
• Claim if you were injured while serving in the armed forces
• Contact Sure Start
• Guardian’s Allowance
• Healthy Start
• Help paying for childcare
• Maternity Allowance
• Maternity pay and leave
• Parents’ Learning Allowance
• Sure Start Maternity Grant
• Child Benefit for children in hospital or care
• Child Benefit if a child or parent dies
• Child Benefit if you leave the UK
• Child Benefit if you move to the UK
• Child Benefit if your child lives with someone else
• Child Benefit number and proof you qualify
• Child Benefit payment dates
• Child Benefit rates
• Child Benefit tax calculator
• Child Benefit when your child turns 16
• Claim Child Benefit
• Claim and deal with Child Benefit for someone else
• Contact the Child Benefit Office
• Guardian’s Allowance
• Benefits calculators
• Bereavement Allowance (previously Widow’s Pension)
• Bereavement Payment
• Child Benefit if a child or parent dies
• Funeral Payments
• Guardian’s Allowance
• War Widow(er) Pension
• Widowed Parent’s Allowance
• Apply for Council Tax Reduction
• Cold Weather Payment
• Council Tax Reduction
• Get a free or discounted TV licence
• Help paying bills using your benefits
• Housing Benefit
• Housing Benefit information from your council
• National Concessionary Fuel Scheme
• Register as a biomass supplier
• Warm Home Discount Scheme
• Winter Fuel Payment
• Budgeting Loans
• Carer’s Credit
• Christmas Bonus
• Constant Attendance Allowance
• Diffuse mesothelioma payments
• Disability premiums (Income Support)
• Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
• Get a prescription prepayment certificate
• Help with moving from benefits to work
• In Work Credit
• Income Support
• Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
• Job Grant
• Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
• Mortgage Interest Run On
• Pension Credit
• Pension Credit calculator
• Reduced Earnings Allowance
• Return to Work Credit
• Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI)
• Universal Credit
• Child Tax Credit
• Child Tax Credit when your child reaches 16
• Childcare vouchers: better off calculator
• Claiming and dealing with tax credits for someone else
• Tax credits if you have a baby



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