20141212 20:18:00 redazione-IT


Il progetto più impegnativo realizzato dalla FILEF di Sydney nel 2014 è stato il concorso di cortometraggi sul tema “Il Viaggio-The Journey”, condotto dalla FILEF in collaborazione con la Sydney Film School.
Il concorso era parte del Festival di cultura italo-australiana Double Belonging, che si è tenuto dal 30 ottobre al 15 novembre nel Centro Culturale dell’Italian Forum a Leichhardt, con un programma di spettacoli teatrali e musicali, mostre d’arte e conferenze.
Il nostro concorso, a cui hanno partecipato 20 cineasti Over 18 e quattro ‘speranze’ sotto i 18 anni, ha avuto la sua conclusione con un minifestival il 15 novembre, giorno conclusivo del Double Belonging.

Ha partecipato una coloritissima selezione di registi, per lo più giovani, di differenti origini culturali, da tamil ad afghano, da greco-cipriota a thailandese, a bengali, e naturalmente italiano.

I cortometraggi sono stati giudicati da una giuria altamente qualificata, presieduta da Fabio Cavadini, regista/autore specializzato in documentari su questioni sociali e in passato insegnante alla Sydney Film School. Nella giuria anche Ian Vaile, manager di APM Video del gruppo Fairfax Media, e Leslie Oliver, Head of Production della Sydney Film School.

La cerimonia di premiazione per gli Over 18 si era tenuta in luglio nel teatro della Film School e il primo premio è andato a Misinterpretation di Eelan Elanko and Subashini Ilanko, tamil dello Sri Lanka, vicenda di una giovane madre richiedente asilo in un campo di detenzione, vittima di un errore di comprensione da parte di un interprete.

Il secondo premio è andato a Inside Out/Freedom, at What Cost? di Kay Pavlou, su un richiedente asilo afghano che esce dalla detenzione, e il terzo premio a She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not, che esplora la complessità di una relazione familiare e la pressione di una cultura tradizionale. Milena, figlia di immigrati italiani, è combattuta fra le due donne che ama di più: la madre protettiva rimasta vedova e la giovane amante che le chiede di venire a vivere con lei.

I cortometraggi Under 18 sono stati sottoposti alla stessa giuria e sono stati proiettati per la prima volta il 15 Novembre. E i premi di $ 500 offerto dalla FILEF e un corso di cinematografia di una settimana offerto dalla Sydney Film School sono andati a “Nomad” di Martin Passi. Un viaggio da Melbourne all’Italia, al luogo vacanze della famiglia a Palinuro, e a Roma, Un viaggio al luogo di nascita che non è più lo stesso.




Ha partecipato una coloritissima selezione di registi, per lo più giovani, di differenti origini culturali, da tamil ad afghano, da greco-cipriota a thailandese, a bengali, e naturalmente italiano. I cortometraggi sono stati giudicati da una giuria altamente qualificata, presieduta da Fabio Cavadini, regista/autore specializzato in documentari su questioni sociali e in passato insegnante alla Sydney Film School. Nella giuria anche Ian Vaile, manager di APM Video del gruppo Fairfax Media, e Leslie Oliver, Head of Production della Sydney Film School.

A Shade of Purple (11:23)

The story of Jai, who left Thailand to get his Masters Degree in Australia – and is a drag queen during the night.

Director: Skan Aryurapong

Creative Director, TV/Film Director, Graphic Designer. Originally from Thailand, Diploma of Screen from the Sydney Film School. Awards include: Best of Movie Poster 2005 , Hamburger Magazine; Poster Designer Contest 2006; Caught Short Film Festival, 2009 in Sydney and Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, 2009 in Sydney.

Love on Board (8:54)

Old Pantalone is looking for some company for his journey by boat do America. Colombina is young and beautiful. She accepts his proposal and sails with him, but suddenly she regrets it, having finally met her true love on board. The revenge of the jealous Pantalone will merciless. The Black and white old style silent film was produced as part of the original Commedia dell’Arte Play “The Unthinkably Unsinkable Ship”, inspired by the Titanic disaster.

Director: Bianca Bonino

Producer: Fabiola Pellegrino

Bianca Bonino is an actress, a stage director, a Commedia dell’Arte trainer and an event producer. In 2006 she discovered her interest on Commedia dell’Arte and ever since she supervised and directed all productions of her theatre group, first called “I Carbonari Della Commedia”, now Fools in Progress Inc. Bianca is seen as one of the finest and most versatile Commedia dell’Arte performer on the current Australian stage. She also collaborates regularly with various Sydney based cultural associations producing poetical readings in Italian and cultural events.
She likes to call herself the Capocomico of her theatre group.

Viaggio (2:20)

A daily ‘journey’, walking from home to a suburban station. Then the train arrives.

Director and Producer: Franco Baldi

Originally from Imola in Romagna, north-eastern Italy, Franco has been living for almost 50 years in Sydney, where he runs a photographic and cinema-video production company, through which he has been documenting hundreds of Italian Community and family events and celebrations. He is also a writer and editor and has published, in English and in Italian, several books by Italo-Australian writers. Franco’s short film productions include “The Line”, “The Wheel”, “Kitchen Sink Drama”, “And the Winner is…”, “XXXOOO”, “Fresh Flower Ahead”, “Bathurst”, “Mobill & Friends” and “Love Will Keep Us together”.

Absence (10:20)

Two brothers are reunited at the end of the road, after 40 years of estrangement.

Director: Davide Carta

Davide Carta’s passion for film began at a young age but really took flight during his studies at the Sydney Film School. Directing three films throughout the year (“Absence“ being one of them), Davide quickly built himself a reputation for being a confident and very instinctive filmmaker, developing his own unique style and feel. Graduating with the ‘Best Director’ award and great expectations from his colleagues. Since leaving film school, he has worked on many projects, the latest of which: “Hole”, completed in 2014, has just started its festival circuit run and has certainly generated some high expectations.

A Homemade Love Story (8:17)

Robin shares a house in suburban Sydney with two other young men from Bangladesh. He believes he has a girlfriend and his friends often ask him about her. But his girlfriend doesn’t even know he existed.

Director: Abu Shahed Emon

Abu Shahed Emon, a young Bangladeshi independent filmmaker, produced several short films, documentaries and TV fictions. In 2009 he received the Australian Government’s Endeavor Award scholarship, under which he received diplomas in Screen and Media from Sydney Film School and from RMIT University in Melbourne. In 2011 he received the prestigious Asian Cinema Fund for “The Tale of a Policeman”, was recognized as one of the Best Pitching project by the Goteborg International Film Festival and has been selected among 20 top projects by the Beijing International Film Festival 2012’s Pitching Competition. His 2012 short “The Container” was selected for competition in the 17th Busan International Film Festival 2012. Emon is currently in the post-production phase of his first feature named “Jalal’s Fathers” under the Boutique Cinema Project in Bangladesh.

Australian Mongrel (How did you get here?) (2:13)

An animated journey on Sydney’s suburban rail network, exploring our multicultural roots. Participants were approached on trains with a deceptively simple question: “How did you get here?” The answers – ranging from commuters’’ physical mode of arrival to musings on migranthood – explore the complex ways Australian feel a sense of belonging to their country and culture. The real life audio, recorded by audio producer Belinda Lopez, was the base on which animator Rocco Fazzari builds characters and occasionally cheeky imagery. The mix of animation and actuality lures the viewer into the intimate world of its characters and their own journey to Australia.

Director: Rocco Fazzari

Producer: Belinda Lopez & Rocco Fazzari

Rocco Fazzari is a multimedia artist who is a graduate of the South Australian School of Art. His political/satirical drawings appear regularly in the Fairfax press as well as in publications like Rolling Stone. In recent years he has been experimenting with animation as a legitimate form of storytelling. Often mixing hand drawn, actuality and audio the “espresso” animations deliver a seductive mix of sight and sound. Central to the medium is the commitment to a strong concept and narrative weaving its way through the usual 60 to 90 secs of animation with a strong empathy on its characters. Relying more on pathos then slapstick the animations draw on our childhood affection for the medium while welcoming an adult scrutiny of its themes. Rocco exhibits regularly as a painter he lives in Sydney with his wife and two daughters and is a proud Italo-Australian.

Belinda Lopez is an Australian writer, documentary maker, journalist and storyteller, with an eye on human rights, history, power, politics and environmental issues internationally. She’s also passionate about collaboration and people’s stories from around the world, and her work has been recognised with awards from the New York Festivals, the UN and the Gabriels.

Breaking the Ice (14:39)

On a kayaking expedition to Greenland in 1986, Larry Gray nearly died under an avalanche of ice. He returns years later to face his fears. This is the story of that journey, told with a mix of archival footage and some dramatic re-enactment.

Director and Producer: Larry Gray

Larry began his documentary career by capturing his kayaking adventures, which included being part of the first Australian expedition to the Arctic in 1986. HIs work since has revolved around his love of nature and indigenous people from indigenous people. He directed series two of Discovery Channel’s top-rating Tribal Life. He shared an Emmy for electronic camera work for “Chasing the Midnight Sun”, another Arctic adventure and Best Environmental documentary award for “Tracks of the Hunter” set in Arnhem Land Australia.

Race through the Dead Heart (6:11)

Steven Gates, a lone motorbike rider, takes his machine through the Simpson desert.

Director and Producer: Alan Green

Misinterpretation (7:00)

Rani, a refugee from Sri Lanka, is being interviewed by her solicitor. During the interview Rani narrates about her painful past and her scary journey by boat to Australia. At the end of the interview, the solicitor understands that Rani is being detained because of the misinterpretation by an interpreter. Her deceased husband, a suspected Tamil terrorist, was making agricultural equipment, not “weapons” as the interpreter had understood then.

Winner of FILEF Short Film Competition “Il Viaggio-The Journey” and second prize in Cause Film Festival in Sydney.

Director: Eelan Elanko

Producer: Subashini Ilanko

Eelan Elanko, a migrant and a victim of war from Sri Lanka, living in Australia for the past 10 years, holds a Diploma in Multimedia from Auckland University of Technology and is a member of Indian Film writers Association. He started the production company “Amma Creations” in 2005 and has produced and directed the first Tamil movie made in Australia with local artists and technicians. Called “Iniyavale Kaaththiruppen” (Sweetheart I Will Wait for You), it entered the Norway Tamil Film Festival in 2013 where it won an award. Written by Eelan Elanko, it portrays the relationship between two Australian Tamil families and the cultural challenges they face in their adopted homeland. Other than the two shorts screened here, Eelan also wrote and directed “Thavippu” (Agony), as the first Tamil short film from Australia to enter a short film competition in France, “Silent Screams”, made for Tropfest 2014, and “Anita’s point of view”, produced for the first Vertical Film Festival. His next project is a Tamil-English thriller “Paari”, a feature film scheduled to be shot in March 2015 and t.

Thodarum (Continuing) (7:00)

Shot in France, the story unfolds with Soori returning from Sri Lanka, where he had gone in search of his wife and daughter lost in the final Srilankan war. On his way back from the airport he meets an old person who has come to France in search of his wife and daughter lost 25 years before in Sri Lanka. In the course of their conversation they come to know that Soori is the son-in-law of the old man.

Director: Eelan Elanko

Producer: Subashini Ilanko

Che Bella la Vita (3:14)

The oneiric journey of a snail in a colourful, yet familiar environment. Music by Marc Perrone. Presented to the “I Love Little Italy” Short Film Festival organized by CoAsIt.

Director and Producer: Carlo Formosa

Buzz (13:37)

In Sydney’s northern suburbs, a fifteen year old Korean International student embraces life unhindered by parental supervision.

Director: Il Hoon Chang

Originally from South Korea, Il Hoon Chang is a graduate from the Sydney Film School. His other short films include “Love of the Balloon”, “Absence” and “Three Sisters”.

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not (15:00)

The film is an adaptation of the sell-out season stage production of the same name produced as part of the 2008 Mardi Gras Festival. It explores the complexity of family relationships and the pressure of upholding traditions. In a tug of war, Milena sways back and forth, between the women she loves. Trying to please her seductive lover and her conservative Italian mother is a comic drama fraught with miscommunication and frustration. As she battles with desires and obligation, Milena embarks on the almost impossible journey of satisfying multiple loves. Third prize in FILEF Short Film Competition “Il Viaggio-The Journey”

Director: Linda Mirabilio

Producers: Bethany Bruce & Linda Mirabilio

Linda Mirabilio holds a Diploma from the Australian Film Television & Radio School and is a Producer at NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre. Having produced award-winning short documentaries, “She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not” is her first foray into directing drama.. Linda is a television producer with a strong interest in community cultural projects. Her most recent work was creating the confronting talk show series “Dare I Ask?”,produced for Sydney’s community channel TVS. Linda’s work explores the friction between growing up as an Italo-Australian navigating the terrain of self-identity, sexuality and the clash of Australian and Italian culture growing up.

Giardino di Passione (4:00)

Enrico, a migrant from southern Italy recounts how he has created a little patch of Italy in his backyard in suburban Sydney. He is proud of his tomatoes, lettuce, capsicum and grapes, and also of his winemaking.

Director and Producer: Linda Mirabilio

Swinger (5:25)

When young Niko goes back to post-occupied Cyprus in 1976, he encounters his feisty grandparents in a battle of wills! Narrated by mature Niko, and in colour/black&white, the film is a tribute to the director’s grandparents. “Swinger” has been selected in competition at a number of international film festivals including the Cyprus International Film Festival and The San Pedro International Film Festival

Director: Nicholas Papademetriou

Producer: Beth Child

Nicholas Papademetriou is an Australian-born actor of Greek descent with many television, film and theatre credits. A graduate of Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts in 1984, has had an extensive career in film and television, but is best known as a stage actor, having appeared in productions in Australia, London, New York and Edinburgh.

Atheatre actor and director, has worked for major theatre companies in Australia including Melbourne Theatre Company, Sydney Theatre Company and Company B Belvoir. In 1989 he worked for Mike Leigh in “Greek Tragedy”. His one man show “Snag” has played around Australia, in New York and Edinburgh. He was also in the Australian national tour of “12 Angry Men”. In 2013 he appeared in “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead” for Sydney Theatre Company and in “Othello” for the independent theatre company Sport for Jove. In 2014 he is creating a new role in the world premiere of Aiden Fennessey’s new play for two actors called “The Way Things Work”. Papademetriou has had roles in films such as “Mission: Impossible 2”, “The Night We Called It a Day” and “Death in Brunswick” and has appeared in a number of award winning short films including “Two Nights”, “Road”, “Sparks” and “Past Midnight”.

Melbourne Tramontana (5:00)

A surrealistic view of central and suburban Melbourne from morning till night, experienced on board the city’s classic trams

Director and Producer: Federico Passi

Born in Rome, Federico Passi is a photographer, filmmaker, webmaster and PhD candidate at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. He deals with images, cultural estrangements and foreign city identities Federico has an interest in the connection between transportation and emotions within the urban space.

Dance at Tennant Creek (8:00)

A documentary about traditional Aboriginal dance event that takes place in Tennant Creek, in the Northern Territory

Director: Kay Pavlou,

Editor: Giulia Tronci

Inside Out (9:00)

Karim, a refugee, has fled his home in war-torn Afghanistan. Finally released from an Australian detention centre, he receives tragic news from his family in Afghanistan. Second prize in FILEF Short Film Competition “Il Viaggio-The Journey”.

Director and Producer: Kay Pavlou

Kay Pavlou is a multi-award-winning director. Born in Australia to Greek Cypriot parents, her stories transverse subjects and worldwide locations, in a career equally split between drama and documentary, fact and fiction. In drama, Kay has directed “McLeod’s Daughters”, “All Saints” and “Love is a Four Letter Word”. Short films include “The Killing of Angelo Tsakos” and feature films include “Mary”. In documentary, Kay was Series Director and Producer for “Race to London”. For TV, Kay has directed several episodes of “Who Do You Think You Are?”, “Family Confidential”, “Monumental Vision – China”, “Family Footsteps”, “Suspicion Minds”, “Desperately Seeking Sheila”, “Gangs of Oz”, “Not a Bedroom War”, “Pirate Patrol” and “Cyprus – A People Divide”.

The Journey (11:29)

From the ancient days of the Roman Empire to present time, men have been trying to figure out what life is all about. An Italian man, Salvatore, reflects upon his life in the last 2o years and shares his life experience

Director: James Chan

Producer: Vincenzo Riemma

James Chan James is a music teacher, pianist and organist, with a strong interest in creative arts. He writes his own sound tracks and records them for his short films. James has been an active short film maker for Tropfest and other Australian short film competitions. His short films were included in the top 8 finals in the NSW Nurses Association Short Film Competition in 2011, 2012 & 2013. He is also an experienced photographer and videographer. James featured in many Australian TV commercials and acted in the background for many international films (e.g. The Wolverine), Australian films (e.g. A Few Best Men) James also loves singing and won first and second prize in the McDonald Performing Arts Community Choral Singing Competition in 2006 & 2007

Vincenzo Riemma acted in several of comedy plays for the Italian Community, both in English and in Italian. He completed a number of theatre courses, including NIDA and Commedia dell’Arte workshops. He participated in short film festival organized by Italian community and cultural organization CoAsIt and he came fourth in a short film festival held in Rome for Italian filmmakers living abroad. Short films scripted and acted by Vincenzo include The Red Ribbon andManifestation. Since he was a child, Vincenzo says that he always liked to entertain people and bring a smile to their faces.

Just a Dream (7:80)

A dream or just one love, in one day. Who is the mysterious girl smiling at him from that painting. Why has she disappeared when he returns from a short trip? Was it just a dream?

Director Dario Salamon

Producer Vito Rosato

Born in Sicily 35 years ago after working for 10 years in advertising agencies, Dario decided to move to Scotland where he specialized in editing at the Royal Scottish Music Academy. After two years he moved to Sydney to study filmmaking and animation at the Academy of Technology. His specialization is the commercials and music videos and he has worked in industrial videos as art director with major companies, including LG Electronics, Oz racing, Wind. “Just a dream” is his first short movie.

The Cheerful Departed (9:00)

Is death the ultimate journey? A life lived in fear of death is a life not lived. Now that I have died, I no longer have to fear death. I can honestly say that I am happier to be dead. To be alive is to fear death. To be dead is to be free.

Director: Gino Zem

Originally from Russia, Gino is a director and actor and holds an advanced diploma from the Sydney Film School. His short films include “My Second Life”, “L&D Wedding Waltz”, “My Xanadu”, “First Attempt Time Lapse” and “Train Man”.


Il viaggio della mia vita (4:43)

Valeria is only nine but already has a long experience of life, having been exposed to different countries, languages and cultures. The young girl narrates the journey of his life and highlights her identity.

Director and Producer: Valeria Martire

Valeria Martire was born in Rome, on the 30 July 2005, from an Italian father and a Peruvian mother. At home she speaks equally Spanish and Italian. Due to her father’s job, the Martire family has already lived in Peru, in Italy, in Macedonia and since 2010 in Sydney. Valeria likes to travel a lot, to discover new places, to meet people, play, dance, do gymnastics, listen to music, ride a bike, learn new things, shoot photographs and film videos. She also likes to help her mother in the kitchen, to read, to watch movies with the family, especially comedies or stories with a happy ending.

Nomad (5:00)

From Melbourne to the Passi family’s holiday place in Cape Palinuro, near a national park near Salerno, and to Rome. A journey back to a birthplace that is not quite the same anymore.

Director and Producer: Martino Passi

Martino Passi is 15 and was born in Rome. His father was also born in Rome and his mother in Sydney. Martino speaks Italian and English, is interested in music and of course in cinema and in entertaining people in general. He won the Inner North Video Clip Festival in 2011 and was shortlisted in the Yew.Tv Skate Film Festival. Even without much experience yet, Martin believes that he knows what he is doing. His favourite movies are psychological thrillers, and comedies. My other interests are Futsal, a variation of soccer played between two teams of five players each and Drama.

The Journey (3:38)

A young boy leaves home at a specific time. He gets ready to leave and then grabs some fruit that he puts in his bag. He then walks down the local national park until he reaches a specific rock. He then takes out the fruit and places it there, looking into the distance as if he was expecting someone. A final scene of someone’s hand grabbing the fruit suggests that this is something that has been done before, or even daily, and that the boy knows whom he is leaving the fruit for.

Director: Pier Luca Angrisano

Producer: Gianna Di Genua

I was born in Sydney, on the 8th of May 2000 to a big Italian family. I grew up surrounded by Italian culture, meaning I ate lots of Italian food, played soccer and spoke Italian taught to me by my mother. From a young age I grew an interest for acting, filming and any form of drama/comedy, which has still stuck by me, and to this day is still one of my favourite movie genres. My interest in acting and film was attended to at school. I participated in many plays, dances and dramas. I am quite confident and as I’d like to think, also very funny. At school I joined a film club which is where I learnt most of my filming and acting skills. During film club,I along with a small group of students, was required to make a movie for a Sydney Region Film Competition, in which my group won and we were rewarded with new school cameras and a trophy. I’ve kept this passion for film up to now and I hope to expand my knowledge of it for years to come.

Il viaggio di Pippo Patata (3:16)

It explores the life changing events that a typical Italian potato experiences, but with a twist!

Director: Lorena Piazzolla

Producer: Lara Livolsi

Lorena Piazzolla is 17 years old and was born in Sydney on the 23rd of September 1997. Her mum was born here in Sydney of Italian parents and her dad was born in Puglia, in southern Italy, and came to Australia at a young age. The language spoken at her house is predominantly English but with Italian spoken to grandparents. It is a typical Italian family where most memories are made around a plate of pasta and good company. Lorena enjoys playing sport, especially tennis, and keeps busy by being the neighbourhood babysitter. She enjoys most genres of films but in particular romantic comedies and thrillers.

Lara Livolsi was born in Sydney on the 4th of November 1997. Her parents were also born here in Sydney, with both of them being of Italian descent. The languages spoken in the family are English and Italian, with the dialetto siciliano e napoletano making an appearance every now and then. Lara enjoys watching comedies, both Italian & English – as who doesn’t like a good laugh with their friends?



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